How To Care For Your Sensitive Teeth


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One problem many people face in their lives is sensitive teeth. Sensitive teeth may happen when the inner layer of your teeth become exposed. This inner layer of your teeth is referred to as dentin. Your dentin has tiny little pathways to the nerve which are called tubules. When the inner layer of your tooth (the dentin) is exposed it also exposes these tiny little pathways to the nerve which can cause the tooth sensitivity.

There are many things you can do to prevent your teeth from wearing down and becoming too sensitive. Avoid using any whitening kinds of toothpaste because these types of toothpaste can be rough on your teeth and strip down layers which can eventually lead to sensitive teeth. Learn the correct way to brush your teeth and do not over brush them. Also, avoid brushing them too hard as this can also slowly break down the outer layers of your teeth and lead them to become sensitive. Smoking, drinking alcohol, and drinking coffee are three more common ways many people cause damage to their teeth that can eventually lead to their teeth becoming too sensitive. Grinding on your teeth is yet another thing that will break down the outer layer of your teeth and cause sensitive teeth so be sure to avoid grinding your teeth.

Many people already have sensitive teeth and feel as if they have to live with them every day, when In fact there are many things that can be done to help reduce tooth sensitivity. If you have sensitive teeth and you do not know how to reduce the sensitivity, here are a few tips to help. Research and use a toothpaste specifically designed for people with sensitive teeth. Brush your teeth regularly, gently and with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Flossing your teeth daily will also help keep your teeth clean and gums healthy. Stick to drinking lukewarm or slightly refrigerated beverages and avoid very hot or very cold drinks. Try to avoid very acidic foods and drinks such as oranges, tomatoes, coffee, and sodas. Keep from grinding on your teeth; grinding on your teeth can cause some serious pain when dealing with a sensitive tooth or multiple sensitive teeth.

If your teeth are extremely sensitive, consult your current dentist about your options. In cases of extreme tooth sensitivity, there may be a bigger culprit at hand. Fractured teeth, eroded enamel, gum recession or gum disease may be the cause of your tooth sensitivity. Your dentist may be able to apply a desensitizing agent to your sensitive teeth which will help to reduce the sensitivity. If a fractured tooth is the cause of your sensitivity then your dentist can help by fixing the fractured tooth which can decrease or completely eliminate the tooth sensitivity problem.

Everyone’s teeth are different and tooth sensitivity can be caused by many different things. Consult your dentist if you are experiencing sensitive teeth and are unsure of the cause or if you would like help to reduce the sensitivity of your teeth.

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